Thursday, November 29, 2007

Quiet Appreciation of Life

Hi My birthday dinner with my daughters and family was great. The dinner was just wonderful we drank 5 bottles of wine(threw the entire evening) in Italy there dinners can last 3 hours and longer. Beautiful birthday cards and gifts and the knowledge that I have raised 3 wonderful children. My daughters Jody and Jessica with my brothers wife Debbie spent the evening with me. I am a blessed person to be able to live and be as healthy as I am. I love walking outside and just marveling at the sky how blue, the crisp morning air, and the quiet of the country. My Mother lives in the country I go out every other day and see her and when your outside with no cars or noise the birds sing to you and you can just marvel at the magnificent world we have.
God didn't start the war man did we have lost a great many good people trying to defend what we take for granted. A Mother's love is a wonderful thing and to take her children away from her is awful I couldn't stand it.
Kinda melodramatic right now just thinking of life and death. Guess some birthdays do that.
Just wanted to pass on a few thoughts I have been having. We need to enjoy every day we have in what ever way we want to. Talk to you later have a new recipe I'm going to put up!


jody lynn said...

I loved the food, cheeses and wine of course! But we love you more than you could possibly imagine mom! Happy birthday Toots!
(No Maley!)

Jessi said...

Same here Toots!! I love you, I love your birthday dinners, and I love blackberry merlot (HEE HEE HEE). So, what recipe is coming up next?