Friday, February 1, 2008

Todays News

Hi did you watch the News today? Microsoft is trying to buy Yahoo for 44 Billion Dollars can you imagine that. There wanting to get bigger than Google with an estimated worth of over 100 Billion Dollars. Just blows my mind. I'm sure there's a office building or 2 for Yahoo where these guys started Yahoo on the computer you know there's no real estate or office buildings.
Two young Men started Google look at what there worth same way just great minds!
Also EXON MOBILE showed the most income last year than anyone else. Wonder Why were paying high prices for GAS!!!!
Just makes you wonder we have people starving to death in our country homeless and now your starting to read about a lot of the guys coming back from Iran being homeless. It's just now right where does the fair come in to it. I have worked all my life got by never starved done fairly good and then you hear about all the others. I quit watching the news for a long time just about ready to stop again.
Well have a good night take care talk to you later....