Saturday, January 26, 2008

Toots Lemonade Stand

Oh I forgot I have a link on here now to TOOTS LEMONADE STAND it has lots and lots of items on it from a lot of different stores. Look at it and see what you think It's so CUTE. When you get time check it out and let me know what you think.

Thoughts in General

What do you think about HILLARY I'm voting for her no problem with it at all. Obama just took South Carolina but that's just a little hill to climb.
I think she will make a great president she knows what she's doing. She's ready to go to work as soon as she takes office.
I like Obama to but no I'm not voting for him.
Heath Ledger was such a good looking man I loved watching him. I would hate to think he killed himself why do they do that? I mean they get to the point where they make all this money have all the opportunites to do whatever they want and then kill themselves. I don't understand that.
I haven't felt good for 3 weeks got sick went to the doctor's 3 times then I started getting sick again yesterday. There's no end to it and I don't think I'll take the flu shot this year I did last year and I started getting sick. I know there's nothing in it to make you sick but i have had a time. It's all about medicines and Insurance if you don't have Insurance your shot. They are trying to get a bill passed this year to make it more affordable for those who don't have insurance more affordable to get. That will really help a lot.
Well there's a movie on I want to see I'll put up another one tomorrow. Have a great day.

Sorry I'M Behind!

Hi haven't been on here been busy with Mom. Stepfather is doing great 5 stints in his heart 85 yrs. old and going good.
Mom is doing great except for the dimentia which I think is getting worse. But she has good days and bad days.