Saturday, January 26, 2008

Thoughts in General

What do you think about HILLARY I'm voting for her no problem with it at all. Obama just took South Carolina but that's just a little hill to climb.
I think she will make a great president she knows what she's doing. She's ready to go to work as soon as she takes office.
I like Obama to but no I'm not voting for him.
Heath Ledger was such a good looking man I loved watching him. I would hate to think he killed himself why do they do that? I mean they get to the point where they make all this money have all the opportunites to do whatever they want and then kill themselves. I don't understand that.
I haven't felt good for 3 weeks got sick went to the doctor's 3 times then I started getting sick again yesterday. There's no end to it and I don't think I'll take the flu shot this year I did last year and I started getting sick. I know there's nothing in it to make you sick but i have had a time. It's all about medicines and Insurance if you don't have Insurance your shot. They are trying to get a bill passed this year to make it more affordable for those who don't have insurance more affordable to get. That will really help a lot.
Well there's a movie on I want to see I'll put up another one tomorrow. Have a great day.

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